Opening Friday 17th October 6-9pm
Runs to Sunday 19th October
Jugglers Art Space
103 Brunswick Street
Fortitude Valley
Justin Jade Morgan in conjunction with The Wandering Room presents the Brisbane chapter of Tools of the Trade.
Tools of the Trade is a snowballing project where willing creatives are invited to present their tool of choice from the studio in a physical and or digital form towards a global archive. Through this ongoing project Justin seeks to address the disparity between artworks and the tools that create them by elevating and re-contextualising selected tools within an online and exhibition context.
Tools of the Trade in Brisbane has been co-curated by The Wandering Room and Justin Jade Morgan. Brisbane artists have been invited to submit tools that will be presented alongside a physical and digital package of over 80 artists that Justin has brought over from New Zealand.
Contributors include: Beau Allen, Alrey Batol, Karen Black, Peter Bruce Booth, Rohan Bridge, Aaron Butt, Natasha Cordasic, David Creed, Simon Degroot, Kristine Dragland, Nicholas Drake, Simone Eisler, Leah Emery, Simon Finn, Caitlin Franzmann, Bridie Gillman, Griffith University Art Gallery, Lily Halton, Tassia Joannides, Madeleine Kelly, Danni McGrath, Dhana Merritt, Casselle Mountford, Jamie Mumford, David Nixon, Zoe Porter, Angela Rossitto, David Sawtell, Camille Serisier, Benjamin Sheppard, Kylie Spear, David Spooner, Lynden Stone, Gabriella Szablewska and Brent Wilson, Hiromi Tango, Rachael Wake, Libby Wallace, Manda Wolf and more.
All photos courtesy of Sophie Richards
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Ian-John Hutchinson
Installation view
Installation view
Samin Son
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Lily Halton
Rachel Wake
Lynden Stone
Hiromi Tango
Installation view
Jamie Mumford
Zoe Porter
Natasha Cordasic
Alrey Batol
Dhana Merritt
Kylie Spear
Caitlin Franzmann
Danni McGrath
Simon Degroot
Simone Eisler
Aaron Butt
Kristine Dragland
Casselle Mountford
The Wandering Room
Tassia Joannides
Installation view
Gabriella Szablewska and Brent Wilson
Gabriella Szablewska and Brent Wilson
Diane Scott
Madeleine Kelly
Manda Wolf
Benjamin Sheppard
Mark Curtis
Peter Bruce Booth
Griffith University Art Gallery
Bridie Gillman
Beau Allen
Camille Serisier
Simon Finn
Rohan Bridge performing his tool